Google Android market share October 2012


Android and Iphone5 trend in October 2012. It' seem that iphone 5 is at the highest peak on September according to Google Trend. comScore surveyed more than 30,000 U.S smartphone subscriber. 50.9% are android user, while 31.0% captured by Appple.

Samsung ranked as top OEM with more than 25% total mobile subscriber.

Blackberry RIM capture 13.4% market share, Microsoft struggle with just 3.9% while symbian OS continue to drop to 1.5%.


We will continue to develop for the Google Android. We are looking for Apple ios development in the future. It's still worth it to explore the  Blackberry and Microsoft market.
Google Android market share October 2012 Google Android market share October 2012 Reviewed by Admin on 10:40 AM Rating: 5

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