What day were you born on

what-day-were-you-born-on is a simple apps to get the day you were born. It's just our first attempt to develop simple apps for android. We are happy but not much install we got from this apps.




Ever wonder what day you were born on? Well, you can find out with this neat Android Application. Simply type your date of birth in the box and it will tell you. Based on Zeller's Algorithm :

If Month is 1 or 2 Then
A = Month+10
NewYear = Year - 1
A = Month-2
NewYear = Year
End If

B = Day

C = which year of the century (that is, Mod(NewYear, 100))

D = which century (that is, NewYear / 100)

W = (13 * A - 1) / 5

X = C / 4

Y = D / 4

Z = W + X + Y + B + C - 2 * D

R = Mod(Z, 7)
At this point, R is an Integer value between 0 and 6, inclusive:

R = 0 Sunday
R = 1 Monday
R = 2 Tuesday
R = 3 Wednesday
R = 4 Thursday
R = 5 Friday
R = 6 Saturday
What day were you born on What day were you born on Reviewed by Admin on 5:25 AM Rating: 5

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