Do you like new Google Play Android Developer Console new interface? We do.

If you use Google Play Android Developer Console. You will see new orange menu on the top of console. "Try the new design"


Google notify New Developer Console preview

Starting today 15 October 2012, all developers can now try the new Google Play Developer Console by clicking "Try the new design" in the header of your Developer Console. The new Developer Console has a great new look and feel, new statistics on user ratings, an improved publishing experience, can publish store listings in 49 languages, and makes automated store listing translations available to users in the Play Store. Not all functionality is supported in the new Developer Console yet. You can switch back to the old Developer Console at any time by clicking on "Switch back" in the upper right corner of your screen.

We are eager to try new user interface.


As you can see, we are unable to sort the app names by active install. The application are sort in alphabetic order. We love the small list interface because we can see all our application at once. Less click is better.

Store listing has been improve tremendously. We love how we can click on + button to add screenshot, High-res icon, feature graphic and promo graphic. It's much better than previous version.


LICENSING & IN-APP BILLING still under construction.


Not much improvement for Statisctic in Google Android console. It's pretty much the same with previous version.



As you can see, most our user use Android version 2.3



Overall, new interface look better, we hope that sorting by active install is implemented in the next release. Good job.
Do you like new Google Play Android Developer Console new interface? We do. Do you like new Google Play Android Developer Console new interface? We
do. Reviewed by Admin on 6:40 AM Rating: 5

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