Facebook SDK for Android


Build great social apps and get more installs.What’s New in 3.0 (Beta)
This release makes it easier and faster to integrate your Android app with Facebook.Ready-to-use native UI views,Simplified user session management,Better support for Facebook APIs.



Simplified user session management

This release includes several tools that simplify authentication and authorization, including a Fragment and a Button that manage login state automatically. Login state is cached in SharedPreferences by default. You can serialize sessions to support low memory scenarios; an optional Activity base class makes this automatic. The modular design handles details you don't care about while giving you more control when you need it.

Better Facebook APIs support

You can now batch SDK requests for Facebook API calls, which translates to much faster access times for parallel API requests. Callbacks and listeners are factored in to better support MVC-style programming. Facebook JSON data can be manipulated with strongly-typed interfaces to reduce coding errors and simplify reading and writing to Facebook.

Ready-to-Use native UI views

This release includes several pre-built Fragments and Views for common tasks. Built-in caching and on-demand loading makes these controls more efficient and responsive than web dialogs. Add these to your apps to build fast, native and consistent experiences for common features.

Friend Picker lets people tag friends in an Open Graph action or find other people who installed your app.
Places Picker shows nearby places with customizable locations.
Profile Picture control shows the profile picture for any Facebook object, including people, places and things.
Login controls simplify how you manage user identity and app permissions.

Mobile install measurement

With our SDK, you can measure clicks and installs for mobile app install ads. Learn more about the mobile app install ads product.

So, let start coding for facebook apps for Android.


Facebook SDK for Android Facebook SDK for Android Reviewed by Admin on 4:16 PM Rating: 5

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