Microsoft Onenote update on Android platfrom


OneNote is a digital notebook for your to-do lists, lecture and meeting notes, vacation plans, or anything you want to organize or remember. It is among the best note taking software from Microsoft. You can download it from your android Phone. You can use it to create and update notes and checklists.. You can also use bold, italicize, underline, highlight, indent - format notes like you do on a computer., you also can organize your notes using notebooks, sections and tags.. Plus, you can also take handwritten notes or add handwriting and drawings to notes. In the latest  update for android, you ca take handwritten notes or draw with a stylus or with your finger. and use a variety of formatting options like font types, font sizes, alignments, and tags on your tablet. Download it from Google Play Store.


Microsoft Onenote update on Android platfrom Microsoft Onenote update on Android platfrom Reviewed by Admin on 11:43 PM Rating: 5

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