Airpush 5.0 latest SDK.. Hopefully better than before..


What new in Airpush 5.0 sdk?

Earn $10+ CPM's with SmartWall, our new full-page ad format which dynamically optimizes between multiple sub-formats including AppWall, OfferWall, Dialog Ads, Video Ads, Rich Media, and More.

Our push notification ad format has been upgraded to include images and other exciting templates

Get free access to industry leading app monitoring and crash reporting integrated directly into our SDK and portal.

Full compliance with recent guidelines from Lookout Mobile and Google Play, including data security practices and opt-in.

We hope that Airpush 5.0 latest SDK is better than before.. Let's give it another try.

Airpush 5.0 latest SDK.. Hopefully better than before.. Airpush 5.0 latest SDK.. Hopefully better than before.. Reviewed by Admin on 4:32 PM Rating: 5

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