Convert your Mobile Web and Chrome Apps with Electron.. Chrome Store will no longer available on early 2018

Google announce to phase out Google Chrome Apps.

Late 2016: New Chrome apps will only be available on Chrome OS, only existing apps will be available for Mac/Windows/Linux

Second half of 2017: Windows/Mac/Linux can no longer see Chrome Web Store .

Early 2018: Chrome apps will no longer available to Windows/Mac/Linux user.

So what if you build apps based on chrome store? It is a good idea to convert your  Chrome Apps to a desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS thanks to Electron or NW.js, both of which are designed to wrap web applications into native applications.

Its is also easier to convert Cordova Android application into desktop application since both are using HTML, Javascript and CSS.

If you build a mobile website now you can build a desktop app too.. Just use electron  framework for creating native applications with web technologies. Its is a good idea to prepare now for the next transition of web technology.

We expect that the Mobile, Web and Desktop app will be the mainstream in the next few years.

Visit here for migration information.

P/S: We think Google should buy Paypal and integrate it with Chrome store instead of closing it down.

Convert your Mobile Web and Chrome Apps with Electron.. Chrome Store will no longer available on early 2018 Convert your Mobile Web and Chrome Apps with Electron.. Chrome Store will no longer available on early 2018 Reviewed by Admin on 9:32 AM Rating: 5

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